The City of La Marque Police Department has needed a new facility for several years. The current building, originally a bank constructed in 1971 and renovated in 1990 to serve as the Police Department, has become outdated and overcrowded. Issues such as improper ventilation further hinder its functionality. To address this, the City hired Project Luong to oversee the programming, planning, and design of a new facility. The first phase involved evaluating the existing building and developing a program that accounted for future growth. After this assessment, it was clear that the current facility could no longer support the Police Department's mission. The team explored alternative sites, including existing buildings that could be renovated. Ultimately, they determined that the best solution was to demolish the current facility and construct a new Public Safety & Courts Building on the same site. Phat and the team collaborated with stakeholders to create blocking plans and room data sheets. All findings and plans were presented to a City-appointed citizens committee to ensure the new design aligned with the mission of the Police and Court Departments and reflected the community's core values.